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Where  do  you go  when you don't want to be nowhere?

A.Lowen Bioenergtics Therapy and Somatic Experiencing P.Levine


 Bioenergtics Analysis,
                         Somatic Experiencing


Trauma and Abuse


Sexuality. Work issues. Low self-esteem.

Depression Anxiety,

fear and panic attacks Relationship difficulties,
Health problems related to emotions.

Anger. Stress.

Identity problems. Immunological disorders  realted to emotions.



I have been living and working in Malaga for 15 years, and regularly travel to Poland where I meet my clients and organize workshops.
My adventure with bioenergetics began in 2015, when after the birth of my daughter I had high blood pressure, and I also ran a successful business, which together with my family could be considered an example of a successful life model. However, I did not feel this way, apart from problems with blood pressure, I suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which was related to my childhood experiences. Bioenergetics changed my life to such an extent that I could not continue living the same way.

I decided to undergo 5 years of training at the International Institute of Bioenergetic Analysis in Madrid.

I believe that true healing can only occur through a holistic approach that involves connecting the psycho and soma in the present, and in connection with another person.

Somatic Experience by Peter Levine is my new discovery that I started working with last year. This approach has helped me better understand my traumatic childhood and how it reflects in the present. I am continuing my training to become an international analyst of this amazing method of healing Truama.



Tel: +34 685 815 173              Email:

I offer 50-60-minute individual therapy/counseling sessions online or in-office sessions in Marbella or Malaga. This is a safe and confidential space where you can explore whatever is bothering you at the moment. I can work with you as a therapist on a short-term or open-ended basis, depending on your needs, to enable you to improve your life and live it more fully.

Sessions cost €60 (Marbella) €50(Malaga), however; I offer a limited number of sessions at lower costs, depending on your financial situation (e.g. students, unemployed), because I believe that psychotherapy should be available to everyone.

Starry Sky
Starry Sky

Contact Me

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